Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is based on closed answers (yes/no answers) represented in numbers (30 people bought the game), fractions (3/4 recommended the game) and percentages (90% of people enjoyed the game). The most common use are people wanting to know how many views they get on YouTube or how many tweets on Twitter.

The advantages of Quantitative research are:

  • You can understand lots of information easier.
  • You can find out what a lot of people like.

The disadvantages of Quantitative research are:

  • You can not get more information than yes/no or multiple choice answers based on the questions.

This research is useful for:

  • Representing large quantities of data like sales or demographics.

An example of this is:

A games company wants to know how many games they sold, you find the results and say that you sold 5 million copies.

Visualization of quantitative research